utorok 31. júla 2012

Chapter 17.

AN: I sed stup flming da stryo! if ur a prep den dnot red it! u kin tel weder ur a prep or not by ma quiz itz on ma hompage. if ur not den u rok. if u r den FOOOOOK UFFFFFFFFFF! pz willo isn’t rely a prep. Raven plz do dis il promis 2 giv u bak ur postr!

AN: I said stop flaming the story! If you are a prep then don´t read it! You can tell whether you are a prep or not by my quiz on my homepage. If you are not, then OK. If you are, then fuck off. PS: Willow isn´t really a prep. Raven, please, do this, I will promise to give you back your poster!

Tento link obsahuje dramatické čítanie tejto kapitoly. So všetkými chybami a preklepmi. Chudák čítajúci chlap to už ku koncu nezvládal a smial sa. Ja som sa teda tiež poriadne nasmiala.


Tom Riddle (Whoa, máme novú postavu! Konečne niečo z knihy :) Hej, nie je to prvotina?) (Neteš sa predčasne, o chvíľu to opäť bude „Raddle“, „Puddle“, „Poodle“ alebo také niečo...) gave us some clothes n stuff 4 free. He said he wud help us wif makeup if he wunted  koz he was relly in2 fashin n stuff. (Pomohol by nám s makeupom keby chcel, lebo bol do fashin a tak? What the hell?) (hes bisezual – he surely didn´t forget to mention that, I mean, we have just met, and he is some random shop assistant, why not talk about sexuality?).

Hargird kept shooting at us to cum (Strieľal do nich aby... Blé, blé, toto je priveľmi zvrátené na mňa!) back 2 Hogwarts. “WTF Hargrid?” I shouted angrily. “Fuck off you fjucking bastard.” Well anyway Willow came (And why was she in Hogwarts when she got expelled?). Hargird went away angrily.

“Hey bitch you look kawaii.” she said. Nice compliment.

“Yah I know I look kawaii but not as kawaii as you.” I answered sadly cause Willow’s really pretty and everything. In previous chapter she was bitch and I wanted she died as soon as possible but suddenly she becomes pretty and evertyhing. She was wearing a short black corset-thingy with blood red lace on it and a blak blood-red miniskirt, leather fish-nets and black poiny boots that showed off how pale she wuz (Topánky dokážu ukázať, aká je bledá?). She had a really nice body wif big bobs and everything. She was thin enouff 2 be anorexic. (XDDDDD Ona si úplne, ale úplne protirečí. Bola anorektička či mala pekné telo a veľké prsia a vlastne VŠETKO?)

“So r u going 2 da concert wif Draco?” she asked.

“Yah.” I said happ(i)ly.

“I’m gong (Som gong *šialený záchvat smiechu*) with Diabolo.” she anserred happily. Well anyway Draco and Diabolo came. They were both loking extremely hot and sexy and u could tell they thoufht we were ot 2 (nechápem, nerozumiem) (Začínam sa sama seba báť: „... and you could tell they thought we were hot, too.“). Diabolo was wearing a black t-shirt that said ‘666’ on it. He was wearing tons off makeup jus like Marylin Manson. Draco was wearing black leather pants, a gothic black GC t-shirt and black Vans (On mal oblečené čierne dodávky?) (Vans je aj značka skejterských tenisiek – taký veľký goffik je náš Draco!) he got from da Warped tower. B’loody Mart (Walmart vyšiel z módy, aktuálne sú v kurze obchody v sieti B´loody Mart! Drahí zakázníci, nájdete si u nás správne goffické veci, obsluhujeme len true goffs, ktorým dávame oblečenie a stuff zadarmo, tak príďte, kým ešte existujeme, nebude to dlho!) was going 2 da concert wif Dracola (Autorka tým chce povedať, že pili špeciálny nápoj pre goff vampírov – Dracola. Slúži ako náhrada ľudskej coca coly. Boli ste za svojho života závislí na coca cole? Za svojho neživota buďte na Dracole!) (Prisahám, že som sa snáď prvýkrát za svojej glosátorskej kariéry rozplakala od smiechu! A to som zažila i Sasukeho v obliečke a Naruta kúpajúceho sa v láve zo Sopky sv. Heleny!). Dracola used to be called Navel but it was changed because it doesn´t sound goff enough. Then it tuned (Tuned? Oni ladili niečo?) out dat he was kidnapped at birth and his real family were vampires. They dyed their hair and ended up in a car crash. They were the only vampires in the history of everything that died in a car crash while dying their hair – probably pseudo-vampires. I heard somewhere they sparkled under the sun as well. Navel (Okay, mimo mojich snáh urobiť z toho aspoň čo-to normálne, stále neviem, kto je vlastne ten Navel?) (Práve som si to vygúglila – autorka tým Navelom myslí Nevilla! O.o) (Áno, už som medzitým šokovane zistila... a “navel” je aj “pupok”, rofl!) converted to Satanism and he went goth. He was in Slitherin now. When you become a goth you are automatically transfered to Slitherin. It was a special house with a mistake in the middle of the word to signify we are idiots. He was wearing a black Wurped t-shirt, black jeans and shoes and black hair wif red streekz (slovníček: streek - pretiahnuť) in it. We kall him Dracula now. Well anyway we al went 2 Draco’s black Mercy-Bens (geddit cuz wer gpffik) that his dad Lucian  gave him. We did pot, coke and crak. Draco and I made out. (Takže sexovali v aute plnom svojich kamošov? Bol aj grupák?) (Okrem toho, išli v Dracovom aute, to aj šoféroval aj sa toto? o.O Aký multifunkčný!) We made fun of dose stupid fuking preps. (Akí preps? Oni vzali aj dákych stopárov? A k tomu ešte negoffických?!) We soon got there…….I gapsed.

Gerard was da sexiest guy eva! Wait, what? Is this déjà vu? I feel like I have already experienced this gig! He locked even sexier den he did in pix. He had long raven blak hair n piercing blue eyes (Až na to, že Gerard Way má hnedé oči.) (Ale ona myslí „piercingovo modré oči“! A to nie je klasická modrá, piercingová modrá je možno... nová hnedá!). He wuz really skinny and he had n amazing ethnic voice (Mal etnický hlas? Gerard Way?! My asi nemyslíme toho istého chlapa!) (Alebo tú istú etniku...). We moshed 2 Helena since it is the only song by them I know by title and sum odder (keď “odd” znamená “nepárny,” “odder” je “nepárnejší”?) songz. Sudenly Gerard polled of his mask. So did the other membez. I gasped. It wasn’t Gerard at all! It was an ugly preppy man wif no nose and red eyes... Every1 ran away but me and Draco. Draco and I came. It was…….Vlodemort and da Death Deelers! (Preppy Voldemort (Vlodemort! – začnem si tie jej skomoleniny asi zapisovať a vyhlásim anketu o najlepšiu z nich...). No zbohom.)

“U moronic idiots!” he shooted angstily. “Enoby, I told u to kill Vampire. Thou have failed. This is not art anymore. And now……….I shall kill thou and Draco!”

“No no please! We are going to become better artists, we promise!” We begged sadly but he took out his knife.

Sudenly a gothic old man brought flu in on his broomstick (A nakazil každého v okruhu sto kilometrov, všetci pomreli a koniec! Aha, aha, či nie...). He had lung black hair (Pľúcne čierne vlasy? Potrebujem vysvetliť, aké to sú.) and a looong black bread (Looong black bread... bread? Toto je jeden z najlepších preklepov, aké sa autorke podarili – mal pľúcne čierne vlasy a dlhý čierny chlieb!). He loved black bread, he will eat it all day long – for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner... He was always carring a black bread with him – in case he will suddenly become hungry. He wus werring a blak robe dat sed ‘avril lavigne’ (*she hopelessly burst out laughing*) on da back. He shotted a spel (Žiadne zbrane? Divné... veď sme na Rokforte, tu sú v kurze!) and Vlodemort ran away. It was…*dramatická pauza**dlhšia dramatická pauza*……………*zase dramatická pauza*……*už to príde*…………DUMBLYDORE! He was just coming back from a beauty salon – he thought he needed a little upgrade in his looks – that´s why the lung black hair (He was worried he would end up like Navel´s parents – died while dying their hair in car crash, so he took a broomstick for a change) and he brought some bread from a convenience store to feed up his children in Hogwarts. *druhýkrát plačem od smiechu*

autorka pôvodného veľdiela: Tara G.
glosátorka: Ayamee & Myzarey
článok pripravila: Ayamee


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